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Job Fairs: Altogether Now

Job fairs can show you what jobs are available and who's hiring. Most large cities hold job fairs several times a year.

Companies looking to expand their database of resumes, fill open positions, or scope out the availability of employees for a new position will set up a booth and try to entice job seekers with their mix of benefits, salary packages, and corporate culture.

Job fairs can be overwhelming. To make efficient use of your time, try the following strategies:

  • Get a copy of the job fair program in advance so you know what companies will be there. Map out which companies you want to learn more about.

  • Be prepared. Dress professionally. Bring plenty of resumes. Carry a pen and paper for note-taking, and collect business cards for following up.

  • Be aware of companies outside your current field. Many of your skills are transferable to any industry.

  • Be confident. Introduce yourself succinctly--recruiters will be busy--and clearly state the position you're seeking.

  • After the fair, make sure to follow up with the companies that were of interest to you to keep the momentum going.


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