Picking a Location
Whether you've always wanted to escape your hometown, or
whether the job of your dreams just happens to be located
half a continent away, the decision to relocate is one to
make only after you've done your homework.
The thought of relocating creates fear in some and excitement
in others. Which group you belong to depends on elements like
your personality, your experiences growing up, your support
system, how far away you're going, and what kind of life awaits
you at your destination point. Though some of these factors
are outside your control, you can figure out what's
important to you and make sure your new situation meets
your priorities.
There are a host of resources for tracking down information
on different areas of the country, including cost
of living, weather,
health, city
comparisons, crime,
and online apartment
Though you can get a good feel for a locale from reading
about it and talking to others who live there, nothing replaces
a first-hand visit. If the company you're interviewing with
won't pay to bring you out, it's probably worth it to pay
your own way. After all, wouldn't it be a much bigger price
to pay to relocate and discover you're unhappy in the new