Investment clubs have become increasingly popular since the
media took hold of the impressive--albeit inaccurate--performance
reported by the Beardstown Ladies Business and Professional
Womens Investment Club in 1993. They advertised an incorrect
10-year average annual return of 23% in their book, The
Beardstown Ladies Common-Sense Investment Guide,
which actually turned out to be their two-year average. Since
then, investment clubs have cropped up all over the country,
creating wealth for novice investors from blue-collar workers
to blue-haired widows.
Meet regularly with friends and colleagues, research, share,
laugh, socialize, and make money
what could be more fun?
Investment clubs are a collection of like-minded people who
share a common goal--making smart investment decisions that
benefit the membership. Everything is shared--from research
to investment choices to successes and failures.
This step-by-step guide can help you and your friends get