Remember when you were young and still on Mom and Dads
payroll? How often did they voluntarily increase your allowance,
and how often did you have to prompt them to open their wallets
a little wider?
The same is true in business. Though some companies regularly
give their employees merit increases, dont let yourself
wait passively for something that may not materialize. And
dont feel you have to accept what they offer. By taking
the initiative, researching whats a fair amount, and
being ready to defend what youre asking for, youll
be several steps ahead of the pack.
Once you know what others in your position and industry are
getting, youre ready to map out your plan of attack.
At an appropriate time (your performance review, the beginning
of the year, on your anniversary, or when youve requested
a specific meeting with your supervisor), present your achievements
to date (see Think Ahead). Then
say something along the lines of: Ive done some
homework on average salary ranges in my job classification
and in our industry. According to my research, I think a fair
salary for my position and performance is X.
At best, your boss will agree. At worst, shell give
you a flat out refusal. If she refuses, ask what she can give
you, and prepare to negotiate.