Looking Towards the Future
Its not enough to do a good job today; you need to
prepare yourself for the future, in two principal ways:
- Keep Abreast of New Innovations
in Your Field
No matter what field youre in, technology impacts
your business. From garbage collection (computerized routing)
to art (the Internet offers a new way to reach dealers and
collectors), high tech is everywhere. New software programs,
new equipment, and new ways to communicate: make sure you
can keep up. If your computer skills are less than robust,
you have plenty of options: classes, books, online courses,
or enlisting the help of a techie co-worker
or friend.
But computers arent the only agents of change. From
global political upheavals to the graying of the population,
were in the midst of transition, with no signs of
slowing. So how do you keep abreast of these changes?
- Read: Read trade publications, newspapers, news
magazines, books, articles--anything you can get your
hands on. And make a point to pick up something outside
your field of interest at least once a month.
- Talk: Use your lunch hour to discuss emerging
trends with your co-workers. Whats happening in
other areas and how might that impact your job?
Listen: Listen to what your boss raves about,
what the CEO emphasizes in company meetings, what your
neighbors and friends are buzzing about.
- Network: Join a professional organization, mingle
with others in your field, and notice what topics keep
coming up.
- Prepare For the Next Rung on Your
Career Ladder
Now that you have a good idea of what skills and abilities
are required to perform at your current level, you need
to look at whats in store in the future.
The process is the same as self-evaluation,
except youll evaluate your strengths and weaknesses
in terms of the position to which you aspire, not the one
you presently have. Take the job description for the position
above yours and see how you measure up. What skills are
you missing? How can you get them? Prepare a plan and decide
on a timeline. By the time youve mastered those job
requirements, the promotion
will all but have your name on it.
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