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Getting Ready

How soon before you plan to enter school should you take your entrance exams? That depends on the schools to which you’re applying and the course of study you plan to pursue.

A good general recommendation for finishing overall registration for exams is to have it completed approximately one year before enrollment, especially for more competitive schools. Since some entrance exams are given only 2-4 times a year, and the deadline for registration is often far in advance of the test date, it’s wise to begin research as early as possible.

For exact dates, costs, and other information about the 4 major entrance exams discussed here, contact the testing organization:

Graduate Record Examination
Educational Testing Service
PO Box 6000
Princeton, NJ 08541-6000
(609) 771-7670

Graduate Management Admissions Test
Educational Testing Service
PO Box 6103
Princeton, NJ 08541-6103
(609) 771-7330

Medical College Admission Test
American College Testing Program
PO Box 414
Iowa City, IA 52243
(319) 337-1276

Law School Admission Service
PO Box 2000
Newton, PA 18940-0998
(215) 968-1001

 Is Now the Right Time?

 Making the Grade


 What’s an MBA Worth?


 It’s the Law


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