We're just one step closer to a virtual society. Why suffer
the tremendous inconveniences associated with drive-through
money machines or picking up the phone to transfer money when
all you have to do is log onto the Internet?
Internet banking is simply instructing your bank to make the
same monetary transactions you generally make in person or
in writing. Only now, you can do it during your lunch hour
at work or from the comfort of your own home.
Remember when going to the bank was like going to the post
office? Long lines and inconvenient hours? Ease, convenience,
and speed--the key differentiators between traditional brick
and mortar banking and today's new twist, online banking.
Should you trade in checks and stamps for the click of the
mouse? Find out the latest in bill paying and presentment
technology to determine if it's time for you to take the electronic
There goes another excuse to leave work early on Friday afternoons.
With direct deposit, money is already in your account--often
the day before payday.
Monthly charges for online banking can range from nothing
up to $10.