Taking Care of Mom: The Expectations and Impact of Caregiving on Women
Women expect to provide care but haven’t planned for it.
In a survey conducted for Securian Financial Group, 60 percent of survey respondents agreed with the statement: Because parents cared for their children when they were young, grown children should take care of their parents. However, 84 percent of those surveyed whose parents needed care indicated that caregiving decisions were not made until care was needed.
Assisted Living Facilities: An Introduction
What is assisted living? The Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) defines assisted living as "the housing and health care alternative combining independence with personal care in a warm, dignified, community setting."
72% of the time, women are responsible for elder care. 75% of poverty stricken elderly are women.
Elder Rage or, Take My Father... Please! How to Survive Caring For Aging Parents
I grew up with a "Jekyll & Hyde" father who was wonderful most of the time, but when he'd get mad he'd explode in a screaming, pounding-his-fist rage. It was never directed at me, I was the golden child, but I watched his temperament change like a light-switch as he'd yell at my mother and brother.
Elder Care at 25% of the Cost
With Elder Care costing up to $6,000 a month in a nursing home, Tiffany Bass Bukow discusses other options.
Caring for Parents
Talking about money, under the best of circumstances, makes most people uncomfortable. Talking to your aging parents about their finances can be particularly difficult.
Elder Care Takes It's Toll
A one stop spot that has a wealth of information about Elder Care and how to protect your mental and physical health as well as your financial health.