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A Message from Tiffany Bass Bukow, Founder of

Throughout my life, I have enjoyed significant financial success and endured surprising financial failure. Dealing with the success was easy. Dealing with the failure was not, especially when it was unexpected. I have had to challenge my values and work hard to continue to succeed while learning from failure. And I discovered that friends who had been in similar circumstances were my greatest source of motivation.

I hope that's Success Stories provide you with the same inspiration I received from my friends. Each week, we will profile a remarkable woman who has confronted financial obstacles and overcome challenges to lead a happy, financially secure, and meaningful life.

If you'd like to share your success story, please e-mail us at

Jogbra and Beyond

By Hinda Miller

I became a multi-millionaire at age 40. How did it happen? In retrospect, it was a by-product of my following my intuition and passion…not because I wanted to make a lot of money. In fact, most people thought we were crazy when we asked the question, “Why isn’t there a jockstrap for women?"

In the early 70’s, Title 1X of the Equal Education Amendment mandated that institutions receiving federal funding had to spend equal amounts of money on men’s and women’s programs. By the late 70’s, over 6 million women were running, hooked on the feeling of health, strength, and endorphins. I was a runner, along with my soon-to-be partner Lisa Lindahl. In 1977, we created the first sportsbra by sewing two jockstraps together and calling it the Jogbra. Now a generic name like Kleenex, Rollerblade, and Scotch tape, Jogbra has been honored by its placement in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Smithsonian Museum. Sportsbras now generate $500 million at retail and is recognized as having as big a role as Title 1X in increasing women’s participation in sports and fitness.

Lisa and I built the business up for 12 years, creating a nationally known brand, Jogbra Sportsbras. In 1990, we sold the company to Playtex Apparel, and then to Sara Lee Corp. I left in 1997 after serving as President of the Champion Jogbra division.

The financial security I earned with Jogbra has given me the privilege to create a more integrated life in the middle age cycle. The largest energetic circle is family and home (mine includes two kids and a husband) followed by health (my regimen consists of spinning, yoga practice, and teaching), work (I sit on corporate boards and consult for women-owned businesses), and community service. What can I impart about this cycle?

  • Take time to look within: Be quiet, listen, feel what’s in your heart, and trust your intuition. As a Type A young person, I was accustomed to following a rigid schedule with every minute filled. Now, as a middle-aged woman, I must explore who I am and what I believe in. Non-allocated time is essential for percolating a new passion and heart-felt vision, whether it’s to start a new business, stay at home, or transition into a more satisfying career.

  • Circulate and participate: You will be amazed at how the world will support your personal vision, if you're willing to join in and contribute your ideas.

  • The right questions are more important than the right answers.

  • Fake it ‘till you make it: By that I mean that you do not have to know everything before you make a decision. If you cripple yourself by having to be perfect, you will always fall short of expectations.

  • How we think, so we become: As soon as a limiting belief comes up about why you can’t do something, reframe those thoughts. Instead of saying, "What I want for myself is so big, I’ll never pull it off," say instead, "I take my vision step by step and build each piece as I go." Think of the vision as a seed, and the limiting belief as the weed. If the seed is nurtured, it grows on its own, magically attracting the nutrients it needs.

  • Increase your physical well-being: Rev up your engine with exercise you enjoy. Use a Jogbra. Eat well. Drink water. Research shows that it takes 21 days to form a new habit or let go of an unhealthy addiction. Take sugar, for instance--if you don’t eat sugar for 21 days, the body will loose its taste for it.

  • Trust the Universe: Whatever happens usually has something to teach you. Don’t take things personally. Assume that most people have good intentions even if it is not clear at first. What is meant to happen, will happen. It just may not be on your timeline.



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