

Raising MoneySmart Kids

Watch Tiffany Bass Bukow as she provides a few tips in this online video.

Saving for College

Tiffany Bass Bukow offers a few bits of advice for parents saving for their child's education in this video.

6 Steps to Raise Financially Responsible Children 

Online Seminar written by Tiffany Bass Bukow

Investing Games for Kids
Are you thinking about a present for a child in your life? What exactly would make this little person happy and help YOUR present stand out amongst the crowd? Have you ever seen kids rifle through their gifts, paying little attention to each one and instead wondering what was in the next box?

Peanut Butter and Jelly Management
Do they know something you don't about nurturing good financial health in their children--habits that can last a lifetime? If you have children of your own, you may have a gnawing feeling that you're supposed to have a plan for teaching your children about financial health, but, hey, just keeping up with your kids' homework assignments is hard enough.

Back-to-School Money Rules
Whether your kids are heading back to elementary school or college, it is a good time to start establishing some good money rules.

81% of parents who feel they do a fair or poor job of managing their money still consider themselves effective in giving their kids financial advice.

How to Raise Money-Smart Kids
Carrie Coghill admits she used to spend too much money on her 10-year-old daughter. Like many single working moms, she felt guilty that she couldn't spend more time with her. So saying no at the mall was tough. But last year, she realized that her free spending carried a high price. Although her daughter was rich in clothes and toys, Coghill noticed she was poor in money skills.

Getting Your Kids Off To A Good Financial Start
Think about it. Since the time your kids could reach up to the bathroom sink you've been teaching them to brush their teeth everyday, right? Every morning before they go to school and at night before they go to bed. You've also tried to get them to clean up and put away their toys before they go to sleep, instilling a good daily habit of orderliness and organization.

Investing for Your Kids
No matter which vehicle you choose, and no matter what you choose to put in that vehicle, you can educate your children about investing. You'll then not only be building up a war chest for them; you'll be giving them tools for long-term financial success that will prove invaluable.

15 Ways to Teach Kids About Money
Money gives people -- both young and old -- decision-making opportunities. Educating, motivating, and empowering children to become regular savers and investors will enable them to keep more of the money they earn and do more with the money they spend.



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